1. Welcome
2. Course
3. Options
4. Details
5. Ts & Cs
6. Confirm




    Further explanation of our terms and condititions

    It is a requirement by the DVSA that all students at any school have at least conversational English. You must be able to demonstrate that you have understood safety information taught throughout the day.

    We do not offer additional languages.

    It is also a requirement that you have read and can demonstrate that you understood the Highway Code. We cannot teach this on the day. This is a primary safety issue.

    If you need help to complete this booking from friends, relatives or google, please stop! It indicates that your prociency in English is not at the required level, and you risk losing your money as you are more likely to fail the tests.

    If in doubt call us on 0203 544 4403

    Before booking your
    course you must:

    • Be able to present to your instructor either:
      1. A Full UK Drivers licence ( The Plastic card with your Picture - Pink)
      2. A Provisional UK Drivers Licence ( The plastic card with your picture - Green)
      3. A full EU licence accompanied by a UK counterpart licence (D91) showing provisional motorcycle entitlement (Category A)

            And either your NI number or an access code from the DVLA web site. No other documents, photocopies or evidence of entitlement can be accepted

    • Your previous DL196 certificate.

    • be able to read a registration plate with or without contact lenses or glasses at a distance of 66 feet (20 metres)

    • be able to speak and understand conversational English.
    • We do supply Hi-Visibility and Protective Clothing as part of the course if needed. However a  pair of secured ankle protecting boots are required and a minimum of full length unripped  jeans. 

    • Track suit or leggings / Shorts are not acceptable. Soft shoes, trainers /sandals / Flip flops / chelsea boots, welly boots, uggs, slippers are also not acceptable.


  • Renewal CBT Course

    The return CBT course is fundamentally a
    standard CBT course but is only open to experienced riders who have a current
    CBT and their own bike or who ride regularly. If you have not ridden for some
    time, then book a standard CBT, this course is not for you.


    It is to be taken on the same type of bike as you passed your last CBT on.


    All elements are fully covered, but as classes are for experienced riders only, some training times can be reduced but the aim is to raise your riding standards,and the 2-hour road ride is non-negotiable.


    The course is £170 using your own bike, and £180 using ours.

    There is no guaranteed pass! You must show us competancy and the abity to ride safely within the Highway Code and with courtesy to ther road users.


    The student must produce on the day of training.

    Their plastic driving licence and NI number.

    A suitable motorbike / scooter which is road legal and in good condition. Or use ours.

    Their current CBT. No more than 4 weeks out of date will be accepted.

    Proof of insurance and MOT, if using own bike.

    Glasses if worn.

    Failure to produce any of the required

    Will result in the CBT being not completed, with a forfeiture of any fees paid. You will be invited to attend a standard CBT course at the standard return fee, of £20 lower than the standard rate.

    Almost there...

    You just need to make a payment and your course booking will be complete. Once completed you will receive your course booking confirmation

    Waiting for payment to complete