book CBT training with Beacon Motorcycle Training in Hemel Hempstead

About Beacon Motorcycle Training

We provide the very best in motorcycle rider training from CBT to full test. Beacon Motorcycle training has over 34 years of experience and a reputation as the leaders in customer service and quality instruction. Just call for a chat to get some advice on what is best for you.

In particular we are the only local company to be able to mock up the Module 1 test here in Bovingdon in the same real size the DSA will conduct it in, and also you will find we only use new high quality motorcycles that are compliant with 2013 test requirements. We believe we have the best instructors, best site and best motorcycles that it is possible to get to pass your test.

Your training can be carried out either on our motorcycles or your own machine (renewals). The fees include the use of safety helmets, gloves, waterproof clothing and high visibility riding wear. If you wish to wear your own clothing we recommend at least a sturdy pair of boots with ankle protection, no sandals or trainers; tough wearing trousers, warm clothing, especially during cold weather.

Lessons can be arranged in 2, 3 or 4 hour slots as required. If you decide to use your own bike, then please note it must be of legal roadworthy condition; have a current road tax; a minimum third-party insurance and a current M.o.T. certificate if appropriate.

If I book CBT training in Hemel Hempstead what would I be doing?

A CBT test consists of 5 elements labelled A to E. You will do these 5 elements in order throughout the day.

The DVSA have produced an excellent short video showing you the elements of a CBT. Here is the video and below it is the description of each of the elements.


DVSA CBT motorcycle and moped video


Element A comprises of talk about clothing, safety helmet and equipment. This is also when your licence and eyesight will be checked and the aims of the course outlined. Make sure to bring your glasses or contact lenses if you wear them as you will need to read a registration plate at a distance of 20 metres. You will also learn:

  • Understanding the legal requirement to riding
  • Reinforcing your understanding of the Highway Code to a good level
  • Objectives of completing the CBT test
  • Understanding the importance of using good motorcycle equipment and clothing
book CBT training in Hemel Hempstead

Element B introduces you to the machine and its controls and includes:

  • Using the motorcycle stands to safely park your bike
  • Familiarity with the different motorcycle or scooter controls
  • Wheel the bike round to the left and right
  • Starting and stopping the engine
  • Carrying out basic maintenance checks

Element C is the main part of the course and takes place on an approved training site (CBT pad). This is when you will learn to:

  • Pull away, stop, start and change gears (where applicable)
  • Ride in a straight line
  • Ride in a slow and controlled manner
  • Change gears
  • Use both brakes
  • Ride a figure of eight
  • Carry out left, right and U-turns
  • Carry out emergency braking
  • Ride round bends safely
  • Carry out rear observation
book CBT training in Hemel Hempstead

Element D is a return to the class room prior to going out on the road. You will get a full briefing explaining:

  • The use of speed, road positioning, safe driving distances
  • The importance of the Highway Code
  • Your visibility on the road
  • Using rear observation
  • Riding at the correct speeds, road positioning and distance between other vehicles according to traffic and road conditions.
  • Learning to anticipate danger and riding defensively
  • Care will also be given in explaining about the radios and how not to get lost on the road

Element E is where you put all the above into practise by riding on the road. You will go out on the road with an instructor two at a time with a radio link. You must do at least two hours of road tuition, which must include doing a U-turn and emergency stop. At the outset the instructor will give plenty of guidance and help, but towards the end of the time on the road the instructor will be looking to see if you can get safely from one place to another without hurting yourself or anybody else.

How long does a CBT Test Take?

A CBT test can normally be completed in a day, but may take longer if you need more time to master the control of the motorcycle or moped. Knowing how to ride a bicycle will really help, so if you have not ridden one for a while it's a good thing to do before you take your CBT.

If you do not complete your CBT to the instructors satisfaction then you will be asked to come back on another day for additional training. If this happens do not be alarmed or upset, some people take longer to master control of a two wheeled vehicle than others, but we all get there in the end. The most important thing to remember is its for your safety. Your instructor will be thinking of your safety if they ask you to come back for additional training.

Is CBT a test or an evaluation?

Contrary to popular belief, a CBT is more of an evaluation than a test; your instructor will, throughout the day, observe your abilities and, if you complete the day to the required competency, you shall be awarded a pass certificate (professionally known as a DL196). A CBT certificate is valid for two years and once you have completed your full motorcycle examination, you will no longer have to renew your CBT. However, if you do not carry on your training in Hemel Hempstead, you will be required to re-sit your CBT test after two years.