Free CBT Training Resources

Yes, free!!!! These resources are available to you now, free of charge, and will help you prepare for your next CBT test. The more you prepare before your CBT the greater the chance you have of passing your CBT.

RideFree from the DVSA

1.RideFree from the DVSA and Highways England


This is a fantastic preparation guide and was developed by the The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) and Highways England. Its aim is to help you prepare for your CBT and riding on the road. It covers more than just what you need in order to pass a CBT, it gets you to think more about safe riding and how your own emotional state can affect your own riding and safety.

You'll need to sign up first, you will then get access to the RideFree training resources. Its divided into 5 sections:

  • Module 1 – The Highway Code and hazard perception
  • Module 2 – Motorcycle clothing, equipment and maintenance
  • Module 3 – The link between rider behaviour and rider safety
  • Module 4A – Risk-increasing factors (part 1)
  • Module 4B – Risk-increasing factors (part 2)
  • Module 5 – The impact of being involved in an incident, and becoming an experienced rider.

You can complete these in your own time and take as long as you need to complete them. Given that you cannot re-do a section once it's complete it's worth taking your time if you are not sure about any given topic.

Once complete you will receive a certificate issued by the DVSA to prove you have completed the course. You can take this with you to your CBT to prove you have completed the RideFree course.

2.Practice theory test for motorcyclists

DVSA theory test practice for motorcyclists


This is a theory practice test from the DVSA for motorcyclists. It has 50 questions, you need to get 43 correct to pass. It's timed just like the real thing, you have 57 minutes to do it. The test can be taken in the 'Test view’ – this is similar to the screens you'll see when you take your real theory. So give it a go!

Highway code tests

3.Highway code tests


There is no doubt that the more you practice the highway code, the better you become at it. Yes, you'll need it for your CBT, but knowing your highway code will help you become a safer rider well beyond your CBT. This site is great because there is no sign up, you just run through the tests. There is a huge selection of tests (over 1000) taken from the DVSA revision question bank grouped into three main categories:

  • Mock theory tests
  • Highway code tests
  • Road signs tests

The tests start easy with hints turn on. These hints are great, they fully describe the question explaining why you would need to know the correct answer. This really helps learning when you are starting the tests, rather than just knowing which is the correct answer. As you progress you can opt to have the hints turned off. This is an ideal way to learn as you can do the tests as many times as you like, hints on or off. There is also no time limit, so you can leave it open and then whever you have 5 minutes to spare you can do a bit more of a test.

The screens are clear, uncluttered and have a responsive layout resulting in it being easy to use on mobiles, tablets, PCs and Macs.

4.The highway code


This web site has the full UK highway code. There is also a handy link to download the full highway code as a PDF that you can then read on any device.

It's useful if you want to look up one specific part of the highway code eg Rules for motorcycles or rules for cyclists.

Larry Lifesaver's Motorcycle Riding Tips

5.Larry Lifesaver's Motorcycle Riding Tips

OK, not free but well worth the money. If you enjoy a good read and want to get through your CBT then you will love this book. It's a fictional story packed full of practical riding advice that will help keep you safe on the road. Set in a cafe where some young riders bump into Larry, an older experienced rider who offers them some advice on their riding techniques. But how does Larry know so much about their riding? You'll have to get the book to find out!

It's available on Amazon in ebook format for just £3.99 or paperback for £6.99.