'In-Contact' booking system training videos for Motorcycle Training Companies (ATBs)

We have put together a set of training videos especially for motorcycle training schools. We have based them around a ficticious motorcycle training school called 'Hot Wheels Motorcycle Training'. Watch the videos to see step by step how the 'In-Contact' system software can be used to help run a motorcycle training school.
Getting Started - How to open a course, make a booking and send a confirmation
This video shows you how to carry out the most common function of a booking system - how to open a course, book someone in and then send them a printed or emailed confirmation.
Adding courses and managing your diaries
This video shows you how to add more courses to your diary and how to view your diaries in different ways to get the information you need.
Working with contacts and amending booking details
This video shows you how to look up an existing contacts' details and then amend an existing booking, make a new booking, or cancel a booking. Finally it shows how to take further payments from customers.

Managing your staff
This video shows you how to manage your staff. How to add staff, then book them into your courses. Categorising staff so you can see who can teach which course. Add holiday, sick leave and day of the week availability for your staff. How to use the staff planner. How to view staff availability in the diary.
Managing your bikes
This video shows you how to manage your motorbikes, mopeds and other vehicles. How to add your motorycles, mopeds and other vehicles to the system. Booking bikes onto courses using the diary. Using the vehicle planner to see which bikes are being used. Altering bookings using the planner
Automatically allocating your bikes to course bookings
This video shows you how to have motorcycles automatically allocated to a booking when the booking is made. It also shows you how to make sure you cannot overbook a bike that you have a limited number of, for example, mopeds.
Recording faults with bikes
This video shows you how to record details of faults that develop on your motorbikes, mopeds, scooters etc. It helps you keep track of what faults you have, the progress on ordering parts and recording when the bikes are back in service.
Checking licence details with the DVLA
This video shows you how to check a driving licence with the DVLA to verify the owner is properly licenced to go out on the public highway.
Recording CBT certificates and DL196 returns
This video shows you how to record your CBT certificate details and then generate a DL196 return to send electronically to the DVSA.

Entering training notes
This video shows you how your instructors can enter training notes during the day using a mobile device like a tablet or phone. Customers can view and sign disclaimers and terms and conditions electronically removing the need for all that paperwork. They can also issue CBT certificates and all the details are automatically recorded.
Electronic Disclaimers
Getting customers to sign disclaimers before a course can be very important, but it can generate a log of paper. Electronic disclaimers allow you to get customers to sign on a tablet or mobile device and have the whole disclaimer stored electronically. You can also send the disclaimer to the customer for signing on their own device.
Automatic payment chase and course cancellation
Shows you how to configure the 'In-Contact' system to automatically chase payment for courses that are not fully paid for and automatically cancel courses that are not paid for. Once configured the system will send out payment reminders automatically at 6pm every day. If not paid for within the configured timescale the course bookings will be automatically cancelled to free up space.
Getting essential information automatically from your customers
Once a course is booked you will want to make sure you have all the essential information from your customers (driving licence number, licence type, mobile phone number etc) before they turn up for their course. You can set what essential information you need and the 'In-Contact' system will automatically email customers prompting them to supply the necessary information. Customers enter the information straight into your account using special online forms, so your own staff do not have to enter any of it themselves.
This video shows you how to send out review requests and keep your reviews in one centralised location for publishing to your website.

Using payment requests to take 3D secure payments over the phone
Taking a payment for a booking over the phone is the best way to secure a booking. However, phone based payments are less secure as you have no way of being sure the person paying owns the card. The 'payment request' feature allows you to send a payment request to a customer whilst on the phone and they can pay it whilst you are on the phone. When the customer pays like this it uses the 3D secure system giving you the added security.
Using Pay By Link
This video shows you how to use 'Pay By Link' - a method to get your customers to pay you with a credit or debit card by simply sending them an email. You can get them to pay for one or more bookings, or pay for an invoice.

Online Booking
These two videos and working example show you how to set up an online booking screen that will allow your customers to book your courses through your web site.
Using online booking
This video shows you how to configure and run online booking. In-Contact enables you to add online booking facilities to your own website to take CBT bookings. The first part shows a working online booking system for 'Hot Wheels'. You can see a booking being taken and then see the booking details automatically appear in your diaries.
Changing the online booking screen
This video shows you how to edit the online booking screen demonstrated in the previous video, and shows the new updated online booking screen after the changes. This will allow you to make your own online booking screens match your own website.
View the online booking screen live!
This will allow you to view the 'Hot Wheels' online CBT booking screen live. This is the online booking screen that was created in the video, allowing you to see it working for real. You can use any credit card details you like, real or ficticious, as no actual payments are taken. Please use an email address you have access to as you will be sent the confirmation to this address.

These four videos show you how to set up all the letters, emails and other correspondance you send to your customers.
Creating a letter to send to your customers
This video shows you how to input a letter that can be printed or emailed to a customer. Adding fields that allow the letter to contain the name, address and booking information specific to a customer.
Creating SMS confirmations
Shows how to set up SMS confirmation texts, so that you can confirm a booking to a customer quickly and easily by sending a text message to their mobile phone.
Printing Envelopes
How to print customer envelopes and put your company logo and company name on the envelope.
Applying standard headers and footers to stationery
How to create standard headers and footers for your letters and emails and apply them to your stationery.

Querying your database and sending mailshots
These three videos show you how to search your database of contacts using search criteria that you can specify and then send the selected contacts an email.
Creating a query
This video shows you how create a query that can search your contacts to find those contacts that meet certain criteria. You can then count the contacts that meet your search criteria, export them or send them all an email using the mailshot facility.
Sending a mailshot
Shows how to create a mailshot using the built in email templates. Then how to check the email by sending a test email and previewing your email. Finally sending out the mailshot.
Viewing progress of a mailshot
Shows you how you can see the number of contacts who have viewed your email, how many contacts have un-subscribed and how many have bounced. In the case of bounced emails it shows how to correct the email address and re-send the mailshot to the individual contact.

Promotional Codes
Promotional codes can be used to offer discounts to your customers using a short code that you create. These codes you can use in your advertising in order to promote your business
Creating and using Promotional Codes
This video shows you how to create and use a promotional code.

Gift Vouchers
You can sell gift vouchers over the phone, in person or through your website. 'In-Contact' will handle all of the management for you, including delivery of the gift vouchers by email on the chosen date and even send an SMS text to the recipient
Purchasing gift vouchers over the phone
This video shows you how your customers can purchase gift vouchers over the phone or in person.
Purchasing gift vouchers through your website
This video shows you how your customers can purchase gift vouchers through your own website.
Managing your gift vouchers
This video shows you how to manage all of your gift vouchers
Creating gift voucher stationery
This video shows you how to create gift voucher stationery either using a template or from scratch
Redeeming gift vouchers
This video shows you how your customers can redeem gift vouchers by calling you, you calling them or through online booking

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
The General Data Protection Regulation (more commonly known as GDPR) came into effect on the 25th May 2018. It aims to help protect individuals personal information with a new set of laws that all companies must adhere to. 'In-Contact' has a set of features designed to help you adhere to these new requirements easily.
GDPR configuration
This video shows you how to use the configuration screen to apply your own companies GDPR policy across all screens easily. Choose whether to ask for consent to keep details, ask for permission to send customers further information and if you can send their details to other companies.
Sending a GDPR mailshot to ask permission to keep customer details.
This video shows you how to send a mailshot that asks your contacts if it's all right for you to keep their details. They can choose whether or not to remain on your database and can also update their preferences if they do decide to stay.
GDPR settings for your contacts
This video shows you how to view the GDPR settings for each contact and view a list of the GDPR changes that are specific to each contact. You can also:
1) Send the contact all the details you currently hold on them, also known as a 'freedom of information request'.
2) Remove their personal details permanently, also known as the 'Right to be forgotten'.
GDPR Activity Report
This video shows you how to view the GDPR activity report. This report contains all of the changes that have occurred across all of your contacts and forms a complete audit trail of GDPR changes. So, if ever you need to prove that you are complying with GDPR then this report is a good place to start.